Pastoral Care

At TW Braga and TW Sports we value the whole person.  Often when a physical injury happens, especially in sport, it is easy to see and most of the time there is a plan of action taken such a bandages, rest, ice packs and so on. 

However with emotional, mental and spiritual injury they aren’t as visible, easier to hide away and not be dealt with.  These are as important as a physical injury and even more important to deal with because they affect a person’s identity, attitude, achievement and a lot more.  

We simply want you to know that we care and are here to help.  Whether it is a listening ear, advice, prayer or direction to professional services, we are here for you and seek to help in a confidential manner alongside our child protections officers and guidelines.  Whether it’s a parent, coach or child, regardless of skin colour, ethnicity or beliefs we want you to feel like there is support for you and as such we have a team that is hear to help.

Stephen Jones

Stephen heads up the Pastoral Care Team and is working alongside Tim to develop this wider amongst the TW Sports family.  Stephen has been involved in Pastoral Care since 2003 in both community and church settings.  He is an ordained Minister within the Elim Pentecostal Churches and has also previously provided Pastoral Care in schools, sports teams, local community groups and other settings.

His role within the club is to oversee the Pastoral Care Team as well as being available should Parents, Children, Coaches or anyone within the TW Sports family need help and support.  It isn’t easy sometimes to ask for help but we hope by providing a point of contact, having someone who is part of the TW Sports family and who has experience in this area will make it easier for people to receive the help they need.

Stephen will be at our Thursday night training on the last Thursday of each month but is also available any time via phone or email should you need to make contact. 

Phone: 07709847984


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